Hello Shipmates,
Most of you have seen the articles stating the Nimitz is being moved to Norfolk in 2026 to begin Decommissioning in 2026. As of now we have no more information than what you may have read. We’re in constant contact with the Ship and the Navy. Our plans are to hold our 2026 annual reunion here in Norfolk to coincide with the decommissioning. As far as the who, what and when we are waiting on word to set our dates for the reunion. Don’t expect to hear anything solid till the fall. There is hope that we will be invited to the ceremony onboard. Last word I received was the ship was going straight to Newport News upon arrival. That could change as it is due in Norfolk in April with the decommissioning in May. As we receive word it will be sent out to all active members of the association.
The Newsletters will have updates and the Website will have information as it becomes available, in the News and Notices section.
Gary Rollins,
USS Nimitz (CVN-68) Association